Monthly Archives: September 2013

Were the World Mine



An independent American movie that is not only original but terms out to be most enjoyable.  The setting is a small town and a private boy’s school which is performing “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”.  With the school’s only out gay boy in the lead role of Puck and the other homophobic boys playing girls roles it is the perfect scenario for bullying and the like.  However, lead Timothy (effective Tanner Cohen) discovers an elixir that when sprinkled in someone’s face makes them fall in love with all around them. Image Timothy realises that he can change the world.  The effects are definitely amusing and while the film skirts somewhat over the surface, it does give an idea of how different our life can be with a change of beliefs and attitudes.  There is a nice subplot involving Tim’s mum and her new job selling cosmetics. The pacing of the movie is fine and the director manages to blend the musical numbers in well.



Magic Mike



Soderbergh again!  This time with the story of male strip clubs and the tale of a young stripper starting out in the business and an older one who is now having seconds thoughts.  Lording over them all is Dallas, a born showman and entrepreneur who understands the business better than any.  There is no great story here and nothing very original but Soderbergh directs with competence and there are a couple of good scenes.  Entertaining at best with Matthew McConaughey a treat as Dallas.  Channing Tatum in the lead is adequate and newcomer Cody Horn as Brooke shows she is worth following.Image

★★ +