Vanishing Waves



First ever Lithuanian film for me by a young promising director Kristina Buozyte.  Despite some odd or unresolved points, this is quite an achievement for me. vanish5 It is basically a sci-fi film involving a thought transfer experiment between a comatose girl and Lukas, one of the workers at the laboratory who was volunteered to take part in the tests.vanish1  From very early on he connects with the girl and seems to become part of her thoughts which lead him to discover how she came to be in hospital.  In the process he falls in love with this girl because of the dream state experiences vanish2and this also causes problems with his girlfriend Lina.  For that reason he also lies about what he has seen in dream state, which becomes increasingly intense.  Mariusz Jampolskas and Jurga Jutaite are convincing in the lead roles vanish4and there are some good cameos in smaller parts even though the scientists seem wooden.  What really lifts the film is very good camerawork, the fine music of Peter van Poehl and the vision of the director who has created a filmvanish6 that lures you in and keeps you fascinated even in longish dream scenes.


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