The Insult



Not without its faults but it is always good to see films from the Middle East.  This Lebanese production directed by Ziad Doueiri shows us the political complexities of a country with a Christian majority, 10% Palestinians and an ambivalent relationship with neighbour Israel.insult1  The plot is triggered by a fight between a council worker trying to fix a drainpipe and a recalcitrant house owner. insult3 They insult each other, the conflict escalates and they end up in court with a case that polarises the nation.insult6

The film does seem a little preachy and sermonistic at times and perhaps would not have played out exactly this way in real life but it does explore the rights of each person in a conflict, the need to balance both and to have a sense of the greater good, which is so often forgotten these days.  Much of the film plays out in a courtroom which adds drama.

Adel Karam is excellent as Tony,insult4 the angry Christian flat owner with his own skeletons, Rita Hayek is great as his long-suffering wife. Kamel El Bashoinsult7 has a less shiny role as his Palestinian adversary but performs well. Another great performance is from Camille Salameh as Wajdi, the prosecution lawyer,insult8 a real star turn in the courtroom with his opponent represented by Diamand Bou Abboud playing his daughter. insult2 Good photography but rather intrusive music.

An excellent film for first year law students or those studying social conflict and a good watch for the rest of us.


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