Laurence Anyways



At 160 minutes, this film, third by Xavier Dolan, film-maker prodigy from Montreal, is not only quite a lot longer than it needs to be but it is also somewhat uneven.  Nevertheless, considering he made it at 23 it is also quite an achievement and has some excellent scenes and elements to make it last in the memory and to salvage some of the weaker points.

Laurence Alia (Melvil Poupaud)laurence2 is an academic who decides at the age of 35 that he can only be true to himself if he lives his life as a woman from now on. He stresses he is not gay, simply trapped in the wrong body.  This film takes a look at Laurence over the course of ten years or so and his transformation is certainly gradual.  By the end, we are still not sure if he has had a sex change and his wardrobe changes are still far from instant.laurence3  Nonetheless, in the early 90’s of Montreal, this is enough to cost him his job.  He has a girlfriend, Fred(erique),laurence10 a budding film maker and the film is largely about their relationship.  The initial adjustments, a later break up, a potential return, etc.  Subplots deal with Laurence’s relationship with his parents, his colleagues and a new family of “music hall artists” that befriend him.  Much of this is rambling but natural.

So, what are the plusses in the movie?  Plenty of realistic dialogues, even given the less than common plotline, some memorable set pieces: a retro disco night,laurence6 the two principals on an island in winter with clothes falling above them, a blowout fight in a small restaurant, etc.  Dolan is not afraid to be creative and get you believing something that on paper sounds dubious.  There is also a real sense of what Montreal life must have been like in those times,laurence5 especially winter.

While Poupaud is good as Laurencelaurence8 but not great, it is left to Suzanne Clémentlaurence11 as Fred to take the acting laurels in this movie.  She is very satisfactory in a difficult but rewarding role.  Nathalie Bayelaurence9 as Laurence’s mother is fine in support and there are a number of other good actors in bit parts.  Great set design, costumes and hairstyles.laurence4

And good to see at least sides of this issue being tackled in film, though the focus seems more on the emotional impact of Laurence’s decisionlaurence7 than the sex side.

A qualified success therefore leading up to Mommy which was pretty heavy duty.  Sadly, his subsequent two films did not live up to expectations.


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