Nine Perfect Strangers (series)


Adapted from a best-selling novel, this is an excellent subject for the times, set in a retreat centre with the sensation of lockdown.

As a series it has had a mixed reception with quite a lot of poor reviews. In terms of representing the sorts of wellness activities that occur in this place it seems to work well. It also introduces the use of psychotropic drugs which is relatively new ground. 

The characters are your typical ragbag of reasonable types and nutters.  

Masha, the leader of the centre is played by Nicole Kidman, who definitely has a quota of madness and struggles with a Russian accent.

Kidman is good enough to keep our faith in the character whereas in other hands it could have been disastrous.

Among the guests Melissa McCarthy shines as an embittered writer and her scenes with Bobby Cannevale as an ex-football jock are among the most enjoyable and interesting

.  Michael Shannon also stands out as Napoleon, father of a family whose son committed suicide.  His is truly quite a complete performance.

Luke Evans has a rather sparse role as a journalist and probably the most interesting character is the wacky Carmel, played by Regina Hall.

I guess the lack of clarity as to whether we are watching a mystery, a thriller or a psychological portrait probably confused many people and while there is a sense of progression it doesn’t have the bite of a well-constructed thriller.  

There are also several moments when our beliefs are challenged or when logic seems to be skipped.

  I would say that it is professional and reasonably filmed with some moments more satisfying than others.

There is also a rather pat ending. Watchable but in the hands of others it could have been really great.

3 stars plus

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