Tag Archives: Cherry Jones

A Rainy Day in New York



Really in two minds about Woody after all the scandals and also after his long career has been tailing off somewhat.  But I watched this latest one, little released and reviewed and was quite pleasantly surprised.rainy1  One, Woody’s films and scripts are definitely 20th century, there are sometimes continuity issues and lots of poetic licence and despite the wisdom they all contain, none are going to change the world.  Rainy Day is nevertheless an enjoyable enough tale, with a good pace and excellent photography by Vittorio Storaro. Gatsby, a monied young student rather adrift at university and full of the usual Allen neuroses, takes his girlfriend Ashleigh (Elle Fanning)rainy8 to New York for the weekend.  He wants to show off in the city,rainy4 taking her to the best hotel, restaurants, etc and she has to interview a film director for her campus magazine.  They soon get split up, Ashleigh embroiled in a series of adventures with depressed film makers and Lothario stars and meanwhile Gatsby catches up with the sister of an old flame,rainy5 his brother, goes to a poker game and tries to avoid his mother’s fall party.  We get glimpses of different sides of NY life, all seen through rain as one farcical moment leads to the next.rainy6 This is not one of his strongest films at all but it has a light charming tone and lots of good moments.  Timothée Chalamet is effective as Gatsby but others shine more.  Liev Schreiber has fun as the director, Diego Luna, likewise.  Selena Gomezrainy3 is a revelation as the sister and Cherry Jonesrainy7 has a terrific cameo towards the end.


Wine Country



American comedy about 6 women who met as waitresses in a Chicago pizza restaurant years ago and have remained friends ever since. They are now heading for the Napa Valleywine7 to celebrate the 50thbirthday of one of their group and the three days promise to be a mixture of partying and secrets being revealed.

This comedy directed by Amy Poehlerwine5 and co-written by two of the other protagonistswine2 is supposed to be a sort of X-ray of 50 something women reaching a key moment in their lives: one has just lost her job, another is recovering from surgery, another wants to make a key career move, another wonders about her marriage to a perfect boor and so on.

Many of the cast have been on Saturday Night Live.wine1

I didn’t find it very funny I have to say.  Much of the script veers between overstrained or underwritten and while the actresses including Tina Feywine3 and Maya Rudolphwine6 whose character I liked best did what they could with the script but I quite frequently asked myself what the point of certain things were (which included most of Jason Schwatrzmann’s character’s appearances).wine8 There is also a really unnecessary scene where they bitch at a bunch of millennials at an art gallery. Some of the denouement was just all too tidy and incredible.

Most of all, I just could not imagining wanting to be on holiday with any of these women and that in a comedy is pretty bad news!wine4

So, it has its moments (Cherry Jones as a ferocious tarot reader is one of the best) but they are insufficient to save this.


The Party



Sally Potter’s latest is a throwback to the farces of Alan Ayckbourn and his contemporaries and yet at the same time has a bite regarding the local state of things in Britain. party8 It is a short, smart intelligent work which looks at the sacred cows of society today: politics, academia, freedom movements, in vitro fertilization, etc. A great cast manage to lift this work even more led by Kristin Scott-Thomasparty3 as the lead, Patricia Clarkson, superb as her cynical best friend, Timothy Spallparty2 as her ailing husband, Cherry Jones,party6 Emily Mortimer, Bruno Ganzparty1 as the aromatherapist husband of April and Cillian Murphy as a banker.party5  Filmed in black and white and accompanied by an excellent soundtrack of jazz and classical music, this is an unusual work for our times and a very well-produced one indeed.party4
