Tag Archives: Debbie Reynolds

Behind the Candelabra



This biopic is no classic but it does have a couple of great points in favour.  It gives us a look at the real life of Liberace, the flamboyant, camp and obviously gay pianist and showman who somehow managed to avoid America digging into his private life when alive.  It’s much as we expect, a selfish manipulating and at times lonely man who perhaps came closest to a really balanced relationship with the much younger Scott Thorson.  One of his later lovers and much, much younger than him, he was ejected summarily from this false life not long before Liberace passes away and has to struggle to shake off the addictions and the loss.  Michael Douglas does a very good job as Liberace and is matched all the way by Matt Damon, who though a bit old for the role, has the acting chops to make it work.  Debbie Reynolds is among the supporting cast and Rob Lowe shines as a plastic surgeon who is as fake as you can get.Image  Another competent film by Steven Soderbergh.
