Tag Archives: Erick Zoncz

Fleuve Noir (Black Tide)



French polar or police film directed by Erick Zonca, whose The Dream Life of Angels was a success in the late Nineties.

This return after ten years features a top cast but is a somewhat odd affair, at times intriguing and at times completely over-the top.  The movie features Francois Visconti, a rather washed-up detective who looks a mess (shaggy beard and dirty long hair)fleuve8 and is one, drinking copious amounts of whisky even on the job.  The part seemed overwritten.  Vincent Cassell, who replaced a possibly more plausible Gerard Depardieu at the last moment, invests plenty of energy in the role and has some good scenes but can get a bit much.fleuve1  He is investigating the disappearance of a teenage boy, mirroring a crisis in his own life with his son well on the way to drug dealing.  Something is fishy in the case: the mother, who has her hands full with a Downs Syndrome daughter is not opening up much, the husband is a sailor at seafleuve2 and the most help seems to come from a neighbour, a school teacher who knew the boy and whose fascination for the case is beyond the norm.  Romain Durisfleuve5 plays against type here and is also perhaps a bit exaggerated.  I preferred the performances of Sandrine Kiberlain as the mother and Elodie Bouchezfleuve6 as the neighbour’s wife.

So, was it worth watching? Yes, it keeps you guessingfleuve4 and there are plenty of false leadsfleuve3 but it is no classic.  Simply a competently put together French film.
