Tag Archives: Jaden Lieberher

St Vincent


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A pleasant surprise this one even considering its rather unpromising components.  The film is a feel-good story about how even in the most negative people we can find something good and the clichés and plot holes are pretty huge.

Vincent is a Vietnam vet with a wife in a home and a rash of “bad” habits: alcohol, gambling and a Russian prostitute. It shouldn’t work but Bill Murray is excellent at the gruff and grumpy Vincent st vincent2and manages to sidestep all the schmaltz of the story.  Jaden Lieberherst vincent3 is a find as his 12 year old neighbour Oliver, who he ends up obliged to babysit. His overworked mother Maggie is safe in the hands of Melissa Mc Carthy but what about Naomi Watts as Daka, the Russian prostitute Vincent uses? st vincent4The weakest link in my opinion but at the same time, her performance also works in its caricature nature. So, you have a film that seems to be milking all the sympathy but in fact it also keeps us guessing and ends up making us reflect quite a bit on what makes someone a saint.
