Tag Archives: Lorenzo Vigas

Desde Allá



Venezuelan film that won the Venice film festival about a year ago.  Can’t say it’s that great but it is a very promising debut by Lorenzo Vigas.  Again, a story of an older man who befriends a younger lad in a sort of father-son relationship, which didn’t start out that way.desde2  Chilean actor Alfredo Castro does another of his rather creepy performances as the intimacy avoiding dental technician, who picks up boys to jerk off to.desde3  When he meets Elder, it looks like it will be a disaster as Elder is a homophobic little thug.  But somehow the relationship endures and both men discover facets of themselves that they did not know.  Set against the backdrop of crime and poverty-ridden Caracas, the story is a sad and poignant one. desde1 Luis Silva creates a credible character in Elderdesde4 too and these two actors add considerable weight to this small story.
