Tag Archives: Peter Strickland

In Fabric



Peter Strickland is a British filmmaker based in Hungary who specializes in off-beat stylish productions that are like no one else’s work despite their familiarity to other cinema (Italian horror of the 70s).fabr1

Here we have a film set in Britain in the 70’s or early 80’s, a sort of grim unimaginative period with dreary shops (Dentley and Sopers is a department storefabr2 here of a fantastic kind, seemingly normal but peopled by weird staff and possibly live mannequins),fabr6 rigid work rules and awkward dating services.  We meet Sheila (Marianne Jean-Baptiste)fabr3 who is seeking to hook up after breaking up with her husband and who wants a nice new dress for her date.  She chooses a red one at D and S, or rather the dress chooses her and then she discovers that it has a life of its own and can cause mayhem.fabr10 The second half of the film considers Reg (Leo Bill) fabr8and Babs (Hayley Squires), a young couple about to be married who later acquire the same dress and have similar experiences.fabr5  Apart from that we see the shop at night and the strange behaviour of the main shop assistantfabr7 who removes her wig every evening and descends into a type of hell via a dumb waiter.

Very imaginative, with comments on our consumerism, banks and our sometimes senseless behaviour, In Fabric may be slightly overlongfabr9 and need editing but it is definitely unusual and keeps you wondering where it will take you, with a few scares on the way.


The Duke of Burgundy



A clearly eccentric work by British director Peter Strickland with a touch of Peter Greenaway about it and some of those arty British films from the 70’s.  Many critics rave about it.  I am far from sure.  The plot is minimal but involves a relationship of quite mild sado-masochism between two lesbian lepedopterists.burgundy1 Basically the film is about the way the relationship shifts in balance as they experiment in their roles. The film was shot in Hungary in a leafy bucolic village-like area, peopled only by women.burgundy2 Their main activity seemed to be reading about and delivering lectures about moths and butterflies.burgundy5  Hence the title, it is a type of butterfly.  All very weird and consequently the script can end up sounding quite odd in the mouths of the non-British cast.  Sidse Babett Knudsen burgundy6plays Cynthia, one half of the couple and has some good scenes but also seems to be wondering what she is doing in the movie.  Chiara D’Anna as her partner, the passive but in fact dominant partner is strangely more effective.burgundy3  Nice music.  Definitely for the connoisseur.
