Tag Archives: Robert James Collier

Downton Abbey


Have seen only a few episodes of the TV series and the appeal of the movie was purely as escapism, back to Yorkshire in the 1920’s and a stately home.down10  The emphasis on tradition and knowing one’s place couldn’t be more removed from much of what is happening nowadays and I guess this whole nobility royalty kick is what appeals today.  Tradition, elegance and fantasy.

So, how does it pan out as a film?  Well, it’s pacey and keeps a whole bunch of storylines afloat at the same timedown5 but much of it reeks artifice, however talented its cast is at pretending to play real rounded people.down2 Most of the scripting I found terribly dull and clichéd with only Maggie Smith as the Dowagerdown6 and her spar Isobel (Penelope Wilton) able to inject freshness and unpredictability into it. The two unconventional romances are perhaps the other saving graces.  Irishman son-in-law Tom and the companion of the Queen’s lady in waitingdown9 is one with Tuppence Middleton of sense8 shining here.  The gay storyline with head Butler (Robert James Collier) is the other less hackneyed development though the events are rather crammed in here.down3

All the royal bits bore, so what if Princess Mary had a strained marriage?  The downstairs partdown4 and the household rebellion also went cold within 5 minutes.down7  Nothing very credible there and all sewn up neatly.

Yes, it looks professional and the air-brushed photography makes Yorkshire look like paradise with music to boot.  Very much a glam product this.down1
