Tag Archives: Tomer Kapon

One week and a day



This is a deceptive Israeli film.  It seems very slight, not much of a plot, just puttering around after a couple who have recently lost their son to cancer and are trying to get through the post official mourning session.  Father, Eya (Shai Avivi) l, ends up finding his inner child, playing with his kittens, slapping his neighbour’s wife and hanging out with Zooler (Tomer Kapon), the neighbour´s 20 year old son, a sushi delivery slacker.week2  Mother (Evgenia Dodina) week3grinds on with her life trying to return to work early and then going about her dental appointments with grim determination not to let the tears show.week5 So, while not much happens and there could have been some editing, the film functions very well on the level of displaying how each of us cope with the loss of a loved one.  New director Asaph Polonsky handles this prickly subject with plenty of humour and wisdom and as the film goes on we get to feel more for this couple.week4  When Eyal and Zooler gatecrash another funeral we hear a very moving speech that ends up unblocking everyone there including our protagonists.week1  So, you may not find it that wow but for me the film has its hidden gems.
