Tag Archives: Valerio Mastandrea

Viva la libertá



Many of the North American critics I have read have damned this with faint praise.  I found Roberto Andó’s movie of his book to be a charming and wise film with a number of merits raising it above the standard fare.  The idea of a political leader being replaced by his mad twin brother who in fact manages to inspire the party faithful and the public more than his “safe and grey” brother is a bit far-fetched but not entirely impossible.viva4  Here Enrico is replaced by Giovanni who calling himself Enrico dares to do and say what his brother doesn’t and quotes Brecht and dances tango to charm and bamboozle the opposition. viva2 Meanwhile, the real politician is holed up in Paris finding himself and sorting out a relationship he had 25 years previously with a girl he shared with his brother. Toni Servillo is excellent in the double role, one of the comic acting performances of the year for me and Valerio Mastandrea gives great support as his private secretary who has to keep it all covered up. Valeria Bruni-Tedeschi adds her always pleasant presence as the ex.viva3  Great script and a well-directed film of just the right length.
